Mango and Coconut Sago Pudding

10:51 AM / Posted by J. Clauslord / comments (0)

Things Required:
½ cup pearl sago
1 cup coconut cream
1½ - 2½ cups water
½ cup sugar
1 fresh mango or canned Mango

Pandan Leaf

How to make the pudding:
First of all, heat 2 cups of water with high heat, wait till its almost boil(when u see some small bubble at the bottom), turn it to medium heat and add ½ cup sugar, stir it make sure all the sugar is dissolved into the water and make sure the water doesn't boil(if it is boiling turn to smaller heat).

Next, pour the coconut cream and the sago (with the pandan leaf if you have it) in, stir it and It’s important that you don’t allow the mixture to boil as that will cause the coconut cream to split.

Keep the it at gentle heat, and keep stirring the mixture to ensure the sago doesn’t form clumps. The sago will slowly become sticky as the starch is released, so if the mixture is getting too thick, add in some water and continue to stir the mixture

Once the Sago turns translucent, the sago is considered cooked, off the heat and allow it to cool down for 5 min, while you prepare to distribute the mango into cups

Now Stir the mixture again and start to scoop the mixtures into the cups with mango
you can mix them together in the cups or leave the mango at the bottom/top of the cups depends on your creativity

You can serve it HOT/WARM/COLD it depends... my own personal preference is serve it WARM, as the coconut smells really nice when its warm, but some others preferred cold. Its really up to personal preference. if you want it cold just leave it in the fridge(*note not the freezer) for serveral hours and it should solidify due the starch